
pg_net: Async Networking

pg_net enables PostgreSQL to make asynchronous HTTP/HTTPS requests in SQL. It differs from the http extension in that it is asynchronous by default. This makes it useful in blocking functions (like triggers).

It eliminates the need for servers to continuously poll for database changes and instead allows the database to proactively notify external resources about significant events.

Enable the extension#

  1. Go to the Database page in the Dashboard.
  2. Click on Extensions in the sidebar.
  3. Search for "pg_net" and enable the extension.


Creates an HTTP GET request returning the request's ID. HTTP requests are not started until the transaction is committed.

Signature #

-- url for the request
url text,
-- key/value pairs to be url encoded and appended to the `url`
params jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
-- key/values to be included in request headers
headers jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
-- the maximum number of milliseconds the request may take before being canceled
timeout_milliseconds int default 2000
-- request_id reference
returns bigint
parallel safe
language plpgsql

Usage #

as request_id;
(1 row)


Creates an HTTP POST request with a JSON body, returning the request's ID. HTTP requests are not started until the transaction is committed.

The body's character set encoding matches the database's server_encoding setting.

Signature #

-- url for the request
url text,
-- body of the POST request
body jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
-- key/value pairs to be url encoded and appended to the `url`
params jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
-- key/values to be included in request headers
headers jsonb default '{"Content-Type": "application/json"}'::jsonb,
-- the maximum number of milliseconds the request may take before being canceled
timeout_milliseconds int default 2000
-- request_id reference
returns bigint
parallel safe
language plpgsql

Usage #

body:='{"hello": "world"}'::jsonb
) as request_id;
(1 row)


Creates an HTTP DELETE request, returning the request's ID. HTTP requests are not started until the transaction is committed.

Signature #

-- url for the request
url text,
-- key/value pairs to be url encoded and appended to the `url`
params jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
-- key/values to be included in request headers
headers jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
-- the maximum number of milliseconds the request may take before being canceled
timeout_milliseconds int default 2000
-- request_id reference
returns bigint
parallel safe
language plpgsql
security definer

Usage #

) as request_id;
(1 row)

Analyzing responses#

Waiting requests are stored in the net.http_request_queue table. Upon execution, they are deleted.

net.http_request_queue (
id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('net.http_request_queue_id_seq'::regclass),
method text NOT NULL,
url text NOT NULL,
headers jsonb NOT NULL,
body bytea NULL,
timeout_milliseconds integer NOT NULL

Once a response is returned, by default, it is stored for 6 hours in the net._http_response table.

net._http_response (
id bigint NULL,
status_code integer NULL,
content_type text NULL,
headers jsonb NULL,
content text NULL,
timed_out boolean NULL,
error_msg text NULL,
created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

The responses can be observed with the following query:

select * from net._http_response;

The data can also be observed in the net schema with the Supabase Dashboard's SQL Editor

Debugging requests#

Inspecting request data#

The Postman Echo API returns a response with the same body and content as the request. It can be used to inspect the data being sent.

Sending a post request to the echo API

url := 'https://postman-echo.com/post',
body := '{"key1": "value", "key2": 5}'::jsonb
) as request_id;

Inspecting the echo API response content to ensure it contains the right body

from net._http_response
where id = <request_id>
-- returns information about the request
-- including the body sent: {"key": "value", "key": 5}

Alternatively, by wrapping a request in a database function, sent row data can be logged or returned for inspection and debugging.

create or replace function debugging_example (row_id int)
returns jsonb as $$
-- Store payload data
row_data_var jsonb;
-- Retrieve row data and convert to JSON
select to_jsonb("<example_table>".*) into row_data_var
from "<example_table>"
where "<example_table>".id = row_id;
-- Initiate HTTP POST request to URL
url := 'https://postman-echo.com/post',
-- Use row data as payload
body := row_data_var
) as request_id;
-- Optionally Log row data or other data for inspection in Supabase Dashboard's Postgres Logs
-- (https://supabase.com/dashboard/project/_/logs/postgres-logs)
raise log 'Logging an entire row as JSON (%)', row_data_var;
-- return the row data to inspect
return row_data_var;
-- Handle exceptions here if needed
when others then
raise exception 'An error occurred: %', SQLERRM;
$$ language plpgsql;
-- calling function
select debugging_example(<row_id>);

Inspecting failed requests#

Finds all failed requests

from net._http_response
where "status_code" >= 400 or "error_msg" is not null
order by "created" desc;


The extension is configured to execute up to 200 requests per second reliably. The response messages are stored for only 6 hours to prevent needless buildup. The default behavior can be modified by rewriting config variables.

Get current settings#

from pg_settings
where "name" like 'pg_net%';

Alter settings#

Note, that doing ALTER SYSTEM requires SUPERUSER but on PostgreSQL >= 15, you can do:

grant alter system on parameter pg_net.ttl to <role>;
grant alter system on parameter pg_net.batch_size to <role>;

Then variables can be changed:

alter system set pg_net.ttl to '1 hour'
alter system set pg_net.batch_size to 500;

Then reload the settings and restart the pg_net background worker with:

select net.worker_restart();


Invoke a Supabase Edge Function#

Make a POST request to a Supabase Edge Function with auth header and JSON body payload:

headers:='{"Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer <YOUR_ANON_KEY>"}'::jsonb,
body:='{"name": "pg_net"}'::jsonb
) as request_id;

Call an endpoint every minute with pg_cron#

The pg_cron extension enables PostgreSQL to become its own cron server. With it you can schedule regular calls with up to a minute precision to endpoints.

select cron.schedule(
'* * * * *', -- Executes every minute (cron syntax)
-- SQL query
select "net"."http_post"(
-- URL of Edge function
headers:='{"Authorization": "Bearer <YOUR_ANON_KEY>"}'::jsonb,
body:='{"name": "pg_net"}'::jsonb
) as "request_id";

Execute pg_net in a trigger#

Make a call to an external endpoint when a trigger event occurs.

-- function called by trigger
create or replace function <function_name>()
returns trigger
language plpgSQL
as $$
-- calls pg_net function net.http_post
-- sends request to postman API
perform "net"."http_post"(
'old_row', to_jsonb(old.*),
'new_row', to_jsonb(new.*)
headers:='{"Content-Type": "application/json"}'::jsonb
) as request_id;
return new;
END $$;
-- trigger for table update
create trigger <trigger_name>
after update on <table_name>
for each row
execute function <function_name>();

Send multiple table rows in one request#

with "selected_table_rows" as (
-- Converts all the rows into a JSONB array
jsonb_agg(to_jsonb(<table_name>.*)) as JSON_payload
from <table_name>
-- Generally good practice to LIMIT the max amount of rows
url := 'https://postman-echo.com/post'::text,
body := JSON_payload
) AS request_id
FROM "selected_table_rows";

More examples can be seen in the Extension's GitHub page


  • To improve speed and performance, the requests and responses are stored in unlogged tables, which are not preserved during a crash or unclean shutdown.
  • By default, response data is saved for only 6 hours
  • Can only make POST requests with JSON data. No other data formats are supported
  • Intended to handle at most 200 requests per second. Increasing the rate can introduce instability
  • Does not have support for PATCH/PUT requests
  • Can only work with one database at a time in PostgreSQL. It defaults to the postgres database.
